About Artist

Artist Statement
My approach to design is to express my perception of visual and notional forms, creating a new perspective where there is a clear and precise transition, which is inspired by existing objects in nature, geometric shapes, and architectural elements.
My collection is created with a minimalist concept and presented as a functional work of art which complements the human body. Modifying elements into abstract forms and simplifying components in my work enables me to create unique, versatile and contemporary jewelry.
Each piece is exclusively designed and assembled using traditional techniques and materials. They are hand-crafted with sterling silver, gold-plated silver, and natural stones.
Ürünlerimi tasarlarken, doğadaki mevcut nesnelerden, geometrik şekillerden ve mimari öğelerden ilham alan bir yaklaşımla, net ve kesin bir geçişin olduğu yeni bir perspektif yaratarak, görsel ve kavramsal formlara ilişkin algımı ifade ediyorum.
Koleksiyonlarım minimalist bir konsept ile ve insan vücudunu tamamlayan işlevsel bir sanat eseri olarak tasarlandı. Öğeleri soyut formlara dönüştürmek ve çalışmalarımdaki bileşenleri basitleştirmek, benzersiz, çok yönlü ve çağdaş mücevherler yaratmamı sağlıyor.
Her parça özel olarak tasarlandı ve geleneksel teknik ve malzemeler kullanılarak bir araya getirildi. Tümü el yapımı olup gümüş, altın kaplama gümüş ve doğal taştır.
Nuray N.Gani, owner and designer of NUNA Design, is a jewelry and textile artist based in Boston. She was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. She has found love and happiness in art since she was a child. This passion for art led to her pursue a degree in Fine Arts, majoring in textile and fashion design. After receiving her BFA from Istanbul’s Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, she worked at several companies as a fashion designer. While working at one of the prominent goldsmiths in Istanbul, she discovered her passion for jewelry design and decided to make her career as a jewelry designer, greatly extending her technical skills and knowledge in artistic expressions.
She has lived in several European countries: England, the Czech Republic, Germany, Russia and Poland, over a span of 15 years. While in Europe, she expanded her portfolio in various mediums, including oil painting, mixed media, fiber art, graphic art, and photography. In Poland, she worked with a prominent jewelry artist, further honing her skills. This experience provided her with a new perspective on the opportunities possible in the art of jewelry.
She moved to the U.S. in 2013 and participated in many workshops in Boston to extend her skills. Nuray always dreamed of starting her own design business. In order to accomplish her goals, she began to create a large variety of unique and contemporary jewelry pieces. As an artist with a very multidisciplinary background, she founded NUNA Design, where she is able to use her own artistic inspirations to create one-of-a-kind, wearable works of art with natural and geometrically-inspired minimalist designs. She works predominantly with silver and natural stones, using traditional jewelry crafting techniques.